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时间:2023-02-26 15:35:06 来源:网友投稿




  电子商务在近几年迅猛发展,使传统零售业遭受重击。传统零售业的营业收入大幅减少,而电子商务却占领了原属于传统零售业的市场。在过去的一年中,很多品牌关闭了全国的几千个实体店(physical store)。对于很多消费者来说,线上购物已成为他们生活中不可缺少的一部分,因此在实体店消费的时间和金额就下降了。分析家预测,在5年内电子商务将占据中国零售总额的1/5,因而一些传统零售店很可能被逐渐取代。


  E-commerce has experienced tremendous growthin recent years, giving a heavy blow to thetraditional retail industry. The revenue of thetraditional retail industry has shrunk substantially,and its market has been occupied by e-commerce.In the past year, companies of a great many brands closed thousands of physical storesnationwide. For many consumers, online shopping has become an indispensable part of theirlives; thus they spend less time and money in physical stores. Analysts predict e-commercewill account for a fifth of the total retail sales in China within 5 years, so some traditionalretail stores might be replaced gradually.


  1.翻译第一句时,可以将前半句“电子商务在近几年迅猛发展”译为一个句子,后半句“使传统零售业遭受重击”用现在分词短语giving a heavy blow to...表达,表结果。



  4.“对于很多消费者来说…就下降了”由两个分句组成,存在因果关系。“在实体店消费的时间和金额就下降了”,在翻译时可增译主语they,将“下降”理解为“花的时间和金额减少了”,翻译为they spend less time andmoney in physical stores.





  围棋是两位对弈者之间战略性的棋盘游戏(board game)。围棋已有 3000多年的历史,可以说是所有古代棋类游戏的起源。围棋的规则很简单,但是有数不尽的策略。这就是围棋的魅力所在。下一盘围棋的"时间短至15分钟,长至数天。但是多数情况下,下一盘围棋需要一或两个小时。围棋是综合科学、艺术和竞赛的游戏。围棋对于智力发展、性格培养和灵活的策略学习非常有益。难怪围棋已经流行了几千年,并逐渐成为一项国际文化游戏。


  Weiqi is a strategic board game between two players. With a history of over 3,000 years, the game can be regarded as the originator of all ancient chess games.The rules of Weiqi are very simple but there are countless variations of strategies.This is where the beauty of the game lies. The time for one round of weiqi can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as a few days. In most cases, though, it takes one or two hours to finish one round. Weiqi is a game that combines science, art and competition. It"s beneficial for intelligence development, personality cultivation and flexible strategy learning. It"s no wonder the game having been popular for thousands of years and is gradually becoming an international cultural game.

  1.对弈者:可译为two players。

  2.可以说是所有古代棋类游戏的起源:“可以说”可理解为“可以被认为是”,故译为can be regarded as; “起源”可译为the originator of; “所有古代棋类游戏” 译为 all ancient chess games。

  3.数不尽的策略:可译为countless variations of strategies。其中variations意为“种 类,变体”。

  4.这就是围棋的魅力所在:可译为This is where the beauty of the game lies。“这就是...的所在”通常可译为This is where...lies。

  5.智力发展、性格培养和灵活的策略学习:分别译为intelligence development,personality cultivation and flexible strategy learning。





  象棋(Chinese chess)两人玩的棋盘游戏,源于春秋战国时期的军事战略。 早期的象棋由三部分组成:棋子、骰(dice)和棋盘。现代象棋没有骰子,它在棋子和棋盘方面与古代不同。棋盘有9行宽、10行长,共90个交叉点,构成方形网格 (grid)。棋子在交叉点上落子或移动。对弈者在棋盘进行象征性的军很战争,部署马匹、战车,根据自己对棋局和游戏规则的理解组织军队。目前,中国象棋已传至全世界,进一步传承、发扬中国传统文化。


  Chinese chess is a two-player board game sprangfrom military strategies in the Spring and Autumnand the Warring States periods. The early-stageChinese chess consisted of three components:chesspieces,dice and board. There’s no dice in modemChinese chess. And tiie game is dififerrait from its ancient counteipart in tenns of pieces andboard.The board is 9 lines wide by 10 lines long, with a total of 90 crossing points.The gridsformed are square. The pieces are placed and moved on the crossing points. The two playersconduct a representational military battle on the board by deploying horses and chariots andorganizing troops based on tbeir understanding of the layout of die game and the playing rules.Currently, Chinese chess has been introduced to the whole worid, giving a boost to the effortto carry on and develop traditional Chinese culture.

  1.棋子、瓶子和棋盘:都是象棋术语,依次翻译为chess pieces, dice and board。

  2.构成方形网格:可译为The grids formed are square。其中,formed修饰grids, grid意为“网格”。

  3.在交叉点上:可译为on the crossing points。

  4.落子或移动:是指棋子的摆放和移动,可译为be placed and moved。

  5.部署马匹、战车:可译为deploy horses and chariots。

  6.进一步传承、发扬中国传统文化:这里“进一步”有“促进”的"意思,可译为 give a boost to; “传承”译为carry on; “发扬”可译为develop。




  中国有4000多年的历史,是世界最古老的文明之一。从公元前21世纪的夏朝开始至清朝结束,中国历史上经历过几十个朝代的变更。每个朝代在政治、经济、文化、科技领域等都有独特的成就。汉朝是当时世界上最先进的帝国。”汉族“(theHan Nationality)这一名称就得名于汉朝。唐朝因统一时间长、国力强盛而被国人铭记,因此在海外的中国人自称为“唐人”(Tang people)。宋朝和明朝是经济、文化、教育与科学高度繁荣的时代。但朝代的更替一般会导致连年战争,给人民大众带来了难以言表的痛苦。


  With a history of more than 4,000 years, China isone of the oldest ancient civilizations of the world.From Xia Dynasty in the 21st century BC to QingDynasty, China experienced dozens of dynasties inhistory. Each dynasty achieved uniqueaccomplishments in the fields of politics, economy, culture, science and technology, etc. HanDynasty was the most advanced empire at that time, which contributes to the formation ofthe name "the Han Nationality" Tang Dynasty impressed Chinese for its long time unificationand powerful national strength, because of which overseas Chinese call themselves "Tangpeople" abroad. Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty were periods when economy, culture,education and science were highly prosperous. But the change from one dynasty to anotherusually led to long-lasting wars, which brought unspeakable suffering for the masses.


  1.第一句话中有两个分句,可将“是世界最古老的文明之一”作为主干;“有4000多年的历史”可使用With引导的介词短语来表达,即with a history of...。


  3.第五句“唐朝因统一时间长…”由两个分句组成,可将“统一时间长、国力强盛”作为英文的主句;后接which引导的非限制性定语从句,为了突出“因此”,可在which前加because of;“在海外的中国人自称…”这个分句里没有主语,因此要采用被动语态来翻译。


  5.末句可将“朝代的更替一般会导致连年战争”处理为主句;将后半句“给人们…痛苦”处理为伴随状语 bringingunspeakable suffering for the masses,也可使用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达。







  A popular saying has it that “There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants.”But now, it is quite fashionable for many young couples to choose a lifestyle without kids and organize the DINK family. Some couples who choose DINK family are fearful that they cannot provide favourable living conditions for children. Nowadays, the cost of educating a child is much higher than that of the past. In a big city, to send a child to a better kindergarten takes a large amount of money and the key primary or secondary schools are even more expensive. Some couples who have chosen DINK family are obliged to do so. When they make preparations for having a baby, it is a pity that they have missed the most fertile years.


  不孝有三,无后为大。There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants.

  时尚的 fashionable

  生活方式 lifestyle

  丁克家庭 DINK family

  担心 fearful

  优越的 favourable

  重点中小学 the key primary or secondary school

  迫不得已 be obliged to do sth.

  做好准备 make preparations for




  中国过西方节日的人越来越多了,不同年龄层次的人都有,以年轻人居多。目前,全球化是现代世界的趋势,不仅仅是经济全球化,文化全球化也是其中重要的一部分,也是无法避免的。中国节日强调的是文化意义,集体意识。西方节日强调人与人之间以及每个人内心的.体验,例如感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是唤起人与人之间良好的社会关系、唤起自强不息的民族意识的节日。这样的节日很好地补充了我们国家的节日。这是文化差异,没有好坏之分。


  Western festivals have been celebrated by more and more Chinese people of different ages,especially young people.Globalization is the trend of modern world.In addition to economic globalization,cultural globalization is also a significant part of it and it is inevitable.Chinese festivals emphasize cultural implication and collective awareness,while Western festivals stress everyone"s inner experience when staying alone or being together with others.For example,Thanksgiving Day is a festival which arouses smooth social relations among people and evokes national awareness of continuous self-improvement.Such festivals are good supplement of Chinese festivals.This is just cultural difference between Chinese festivals and Western festivals,and neither can be judged as good or bad.

  1.中国过西方节日…以年轻人居多:第一句在翻译时候使用被动语态更为恰当,即Western festivals have been celebrated by...

  2.良好的社会关系:可译为smooth social relations。smooth也可以fine来表达。


  4.很好地补充了…:可译为be good complement of...

  5.文化差异:可译为cultural difference。

  6.没有好坏之分:即“不能判断好与坏”,译为neither can be judged as good or bad,其中neither意为“两者都不…”。






  Nowadays, with the development of Internet, more and more people prefer to shop online. You would get the goods you want at your door from the expressman just by clicking the mouse, which is convenient and can save both time and effort. Online shopping cuts down on the consumers"time of going to the supermarket and avoids the traffic jam. Due to little pressure on stock, low management cost and business scale with little limitation on sites, online shopping offers a good opportunity for young people to start a business. Online shopping is attractive and influential to its consumers, companies and market, which can achieve an ideal pattern of multi-win effect in the new economy period undoubtedly.


  1.随着网络的发展:可译为with the development of Internet。


  3.省时省力:其中“省力”可用save effort表达,故该处译为save both time and effort。

  4.库存压力较小、经营成本低、经营规模不受场地限制:可译为little pressure on stock, low management cost and business scale with little limitation on sites。

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